At long last, I have listened to and edited for publication the next exciting installments of our Pokemon adventures.
Episode 12 (2:26:22)
In this episode Patrick and Yuki try their hand at fighting the local talent in Pewter City, while elsewhere a young mystic prepares himself for a gym battle, eventually going on to break Brock's Geodude with his shiny new Nidoran and it's Double Kick. Will the character's paths meet? Well obviously. Why did you even bother asking? Meanwhile, IRL the players are trying the Milk Challenge. Truly it is a laugh a minute here.
Finally I do some subtle railroading, and get the players to progress the plot.
The main bulk of story starts with all the them facing...a random encounter! Has there ever been a less appropriate term for something? The team find some Shinx, one of which Yuki captures to the tune of "DO WANT IT'S CUTE", despite Redrinder's attempts to gain maximum Exp from them. Duri9ng the course of this battle we find out that Patrick's Diglett, Dig Dug is apparently some kind of eldritch abomination, who devours it's foes in order to gain their powers.
Under direction of a mysterious stranger shaped remarkably like two long bits of metal that might carry some form of locomotive, they make their way to a small village just off Route 3. Ceil is a small village with little to few ameneties. They are greeted by Everard Joss, the village reeve (mayor, more or less) who gruffly informs them that the person they were looking for, Tara Gillian, has long since moved to Johto with her family. The group investigates the Gillian household, and locate a trail of psychic energy leading out of the village towards a cave.
This cave is guarded by a man with two fierce looking dogs, a Houndour and a Houndoom. The team are undaunted however, as Redrinder possesses the Houndoom, forcing it to run off a cliff, breaking its neck in the fall. No, really.
Episode 13 (1:38:23)
Following last time's horrifying events, the team move on as if nothing ever happened. Clearly they have suppressed the most defiantely traumatic memory of the death of a living, sentient creature by one of their own and there is every possibility that this will come back to haunt them. Just saying.
Progressing through the cave, all kinds of creepy stuff happens, with patterns swirling on the wall, amassing in a slithering mess of red light in a subterranean dome. Redrinder's Growlithe uses Odor Sleuth, dispelling the illusion, revealing the Mismagius hidden beneath. The group enter battle with the ghost, taking chunks out of it's health until it disappears, much to the irritation of Redrinder, who assumed it had actually been beaten. They then set about pokemon hunting, resulting in many Zubat falling, and Redrinder catching a Gastly.
Episode 14 (1:01:14)
Redrinder, having been stolen away by the Mismagius that had previously escaped, finds his way back to the group. Having done so, the group decide that they need to rest up. Burning through some snakes they make it back to village of Ceil, where they are taken aside by a kindly old lady and given food and lodging for the night. They wake up in the morning and deide to do some investigating. Heading to the Gillian household, Redrinder finds a pendant that, upon using his mystic powers, he works out belongs to the same organisation as the guy who attacked the others in Pewter. Shock! He also gleans a vision of the cave interior, seeing a large carvern filled with trainers working their pokemon to the limit, and beyond, and at the centre of it all, is the mayor! What does this mean? Who are these people? What will happen next? Find the next paragraph!
Episode 15 (1:09:29)
In which our heroes go back into the cave. Bonsai tries to search for Abra. In a cave. Yeah. He doesn't find any. When they progress they find themselves faced with a wall of pure shadow. After some brainstorming and experimenting, Bonsai and Patrick team up and create a field of electricity through the use of Mist and Thundershock. This breaks the consentration of the two Haunter blocking their path, revealing them to the group. They consequently beat them. Onwards they go, finally making it to the cavern seen in Matt's vision. Alas, Everard was expecting them and the hapless travellers find themselves facing a room full of trainers.
Episode 12 (2:26:22)
In this episode Patrick and Yuki try their hand at fighting the local talent in Pewter City, while elsewhere a young mystic prepares himself for a gym battle, eventually going on to break Brock's Geodude with his shiny new Nidoran and it's Double Kick. Will the character's paths meet? Well obviously. Why did you even bother asking? Meanwhile, IRL the players are trying the Milk Challenge. Truly it is a laugh a minute here.
Finally I do some subtle railroading, and get the players to progress the plot.

Under direction of a mysterious stranger shaped remarkably like two long bits of metal that might carry some form of locomotive, they make their way to a small village just off Route 3. Ceil is a small village with little to few ameneties. They are greeted by Everard Joss, the village reeve (mayor, more or less) who gruffly informs them that the person they were looking for, Tara Gillian, has long since moved to Johto with her family. The group investigates the Gillian household, and locate a trail of psychic energy leading out of the village towards a cave.
This cave is guarded by a man with two fierce looking dogs, a Houndour and a Houndoom. The team are undaunted however, as Redrinder possesses the Houndoom, forcing it to run off a cliff, breaking its neck in the fall. No, really.
Episode 13 (1:38:23)
Following last time's horrifying events, the team move on as if nothing ever happened. Clearly they have suppressed the most defiantely traumatic memory of the death of a living, sentient creature by one of their own and there is every possibility that this will come back to haunt them. Just saying.
Progressing through the cave, all kinds of creepy stuff happens, with patterns swirling on the wall, amassing in a slithering mess of red light in a subterranean dome. Redrinder's Growlithe uses Odor Sleuth, dispelling the illusion, revealing the Mismagius hidden beneath. The group enter battle with the ghost, taking chunks out of it's health until it disappears, much to the irritation of Redrinder, who assumed it had actually been beaten. They then set about pokemon hunting, resulting in many Zubat falling, and Redrinder catching a Gastly.
Episode 14 (1:01:14)
Redrinder, having been stolen away by the Mismagius that had previously escaped, finds his way back to the group. Having done so, the group decide that they need to rest up. Burning through some snakes they make it back to village of Ceil, where they are taken aside by a kindly old lady and given food and lodging for the night. They wake up in the morning and deide to do some investigating. Heading to the Gillian household, Redrinder finds a pendant that, upon using his mystic powers, he works out belongs to the same organisation as the guy who attacked the others in Pewter. Shock! He also gleans a vision of the cave interior, seeing a large carvern filled with trainers working their pokemon to the limit, and beyond, and at the centre of it all, is the mayor! What does this mean? Who are these people? What will happen next? Find the next paragraph!
Episode 15 (1:09:29)
In which our heroes go back into the cave. Bonsai tries to search for Abra. In a cave. Yeah. He doesn't find any. When they progress they find themselves faced with a wall of pure shadow. After some brainstorming and experimenting, Bonsai and Patrick team up and create a field of electricity through the use of Mist and Thundershock. This breaks the consentration of the two Haunter blocking their path, revealing them to the group. They consequently beat them. Onwards they go, finally making it to the cavern seen in Matt's vision. Alas, Everard was expecting them and the hapless travellers find themselves facing a room full of trainers.
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