Saturday, March 12, 2011

The 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 4 - A song that makes you sad

Oh gosh, I missed yesterday's update. So today you shall get two. Alright. I'm hungover. Let's do this.

This one was easy. A little backstory. I was on YouTube one day. I can't remember what I was searching for but as with these kinds of stories, destiny spoke that day and introduced me to a beauteous song of epic proportions. Upon my first listen I was reduced to a child like state, capable of nothing but listening to this song over and over. I am unashamed to admit that I teared up. When I had finished listening I sat in silence for a good 5-10 minutes thinking about what I had listened to.

I seached desperately for the origin of this song and found that I was a song called Coma by Pendulum. No, not the Pendulum you're thnking of. While also australian, this was an ambient band based in Melbourne rather than Perth, and ran from 1994-1997. Wonderful I thought. This is a song that deserves my money. Of to Amazon I go.

But fate was not with me that day. No, I could not find the offending album anywhere. It seemed this band had simply disappeared off the face of the earth and had taken all of their albums with them. I searched and searched for at least two years, to no avail. I even tried asking /mu/.

But on day, when the forces that be had deemed my patience and effort worthy, I found it. I had been about to give up, but had decided for one more search attempt. And there it was. On an obscure music site there it was. For £40.00 odd pounds. But I had been searching for this thing for two whole years. I wasn't going to let a little thing like money get in the way of me and my prize.

So that's the story of how I spent £40.00 on a single (admittedly 2 CD) album with no regrets. And here is the song it was all for. I have probably oversold it. You probably won't react the same way as I. But when I listen I still feel sometihng of the magic I felt the first time. The power of this song over me is substantial, and now I introduce it to you.

Enjoy in total silence and a comfy chair. Glass of wine optional.