Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Space Above Your Head

Sit upside down. Go on, do it. Bring your computer along if you have to. Preferably with a laptop, as I suspect you tower users might be slightly inconvienienced in the mobility area. Just sit upside down. I don't care how, lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge or something, just make sure your head and therefore your vision is upside down. Now look around. Doesn't everything seem more spacious? Suddenly, you notice the large area above your head. That is to say above, when you are the right way up.

This thought occured to me during a particularily slow day at work, in which I was lying back in my chair. The thought is that we constantly look forward or down, but rarely do we look up, and see there is a world of space above us. This observation could be a metaphor for...well, I don't know. I hadn't gotten that far yet. Feel free to discuss and conspire in the comments. Now sit up. You look like a twat.


TheSlimeys said...

The end bit made me self conscious and I am now sitting straight but also to the side slightly like an idiot because I am doing one thing while every now and again looking at the laptop.
thanks to you I probably look more like an idiot.
How saddening.