Monday, July 25, 2011

Blog News, Forgotten Anniversaries and Kittnzz

Wow, the back screen for blogger has changed quite dramatically. It's much cleaner now, I think. A little jarring, but I'll get used to it. I'm not one to complain about petty UI changes.

In other news, my blog is no longer surrounded by baby/family blogs, but instead with seemingly WoW related blogs. I consider this to be a vast improvement, and once my payday comes I may find myself adding another needle to that particular haystack. If you're unlucky.

So, this is just a quick word to ease the silence. I have been working what is essentially, and pretty much in fact, a full time job over the summer. I had hoped for some reason that this would allow me to think on story concepts and such like but unfortunately that has not transpired to be the case. I do however have a bit of a story on the go, and hopefully I will have that finished and proofread fairly soon. Nothing special, but kind of special to me, for reasons that I'm now noting down to go further into in a future post.

Finally there should be an About page coming soon, for potential new readers. Optimistic? Maybe, but it never hurts to be prepared, and I'd rather make new readers feel welcome. Basically I kinda want more than 3-5 regular readers, and after a year I think it's time I started doing something about that.

Oh buggery, yeah, I totally forgot, this blog has been running for over a year. This is officially the longest I have sustained a website of any description. I consider the goal set out for myself from the first post accomplished. Time for a new goal, methinks. Make it another year seems basic enough. I may add to that, but for now, let me thank you lovely few for reading this, being my friends and generally awesome people.

Seriously, You're all kickass.