Friday, April 29, 2011

Toy Story and Nostalgia

Fact: When Toy Story's Andy grows up, he is going to resent his mother for "making him give his childhood toys away". Think about it, they represent his growing up. His entire childhood these toys have been growing in collection, forming mental bonds and familiarities. And now they're gone. Given away, as far as Andy knows, under the forced suggestion of his mum, and every time some spot of nostalgia hits him, there will be nothing to quell it. It's not like a grown man can seek out the house of a now, say, mid to late teens girl, and ask whether he can play with his toys for a bit? Just for a bit? I just want to see them. Don't shut the door on me! No! Woody! Woodyyyyy! Woo-Oh hello officer. Why yes there is a perfectly good explanation for why I am screaming woody on this young girls yard.