Saturday, July 3, 2010

Why Driving Tests Are Bullshit: In Brief

I failed my driving test.

2nd one, actually. For the same reason. I didn't look in the mirrors enough.

Please tell me I'm not alone in thinking that that is complete bullshit. I didn't hit/mail/kill anyone. I was a safe driver. I stopped at red lights, and checked for other cars when turning. What I didn't do was look in the mirror when turning in the road, something that a) I did, and b) was completely unnecessary given that there was no one around. At all. I know, because I looked in the fucking mirror.

This isn't a rant. This isn't me complaining mindlessly because boo hoo life is so unfair. I just have a problem with the fact that I can drive perfectly adequately, and in fact in a superior manner to most other road users, and fail my driving test, while on the way home, dejected and irritated, I see 2 separate incidences of people running red lights, someone turning into a road without indicating, and yet another person speeding over a crossing with people on. These people have licences and I do not.

Ok, maybe this is a boo hoo life is so unfair rant. But my point still stands.

It's a short post this week because I am a wee bit busy so here's a picture I found on /tg/ of Batman as a Pokemon trainer.