Friday, December 9, 2011

Standing On The Sidelines, Throwing Bottles At The Players

My, but today has been exciting, hasn't it? What the fuck happened last night? I get a bit of drink on and I wake up to Europe shunning us even more than usual. Once again Cameron has done his level best to assure us all what an utter tosser he is.

Under the assumption that you have already read the proffesional views from your choice of news network, I won't labour the intro. All I see is Cameron a) completely missing the point of the meeting, that it was to help the European community, a community to which we are inevitably tied, certainly economically, and b) blindly going with political posturing rather than thinking about the long term future of the god damn country he's supposed to be representing.

His argument seems to be based largely on the premise that Britain is a strong nation, completely ignoring the fact that it is as economically strong as it is because of the large amount of historical and current trade we have with Europe, the very group he is now alienating us from. There is no way in hell this country can stand on it's own. The Tories and "Euro Skeptics" are pining for the Good Old Days, remembering that once we get all these powers we have ceded away to Brussels back, we'll be fine, like back when we had an empire. They completely forgetting that we don't have a fucking empire any more.

Okay, look, I'm pretty angry. This has very much been a post written with emotion rather than forethought, and no matter how much I believe the thought to be accurate there has been some Straw Manning. I feel I should explain myself and my reaction.

I touched on this in my post on why I do physics. There is not much I believe in, but one thing I do is the ability for humanity, or transhumanity, or posthumanity to continue the ever noble quest for knowledge. Now that is a very long term goal, but it requires short term steps. The reason I'm so angry about all this is the complete lack of foresight displayed by Cameron. We are as a race entering a really fucking stormy period in our history, and the only way I see us making it through is together, and it's selfish ignorant people like Cameron and the Conservative, and lets be honest, a good number of other members of other parties and countries that kill that dream, and end up filling me and others like me who just want the best from humanity with despair.

Again I suppose I have gone a bit long term again. What can I say, maybe I get a little bit crazy when I'm impassioned, hm? Okay, how about you consider this. This move that Cameron has made, in all his infinite fucking wisdom, has improved nothing for Britain. For all his insistence's that he has made the best decision, he fails to acknowledge publicly that there is now going to be an agreement on a treaty that we will still be part of, that we will have no say in. He has isolated Britain from the European stage just when we need to be pulling together.

It's going to be difficult for me to press publish on this one, just because I know that this is a post forged purely from emotion and a day of resenting what I've heard on the radio, not excluding Cameron's smugger-than-thou voice. I try not to do politics because it's always a much more complicated mish mash of rat piss than I care to go into too much detail with, and I simply cannot cover the full spectrum of views that 'd like to. But post it I shall, because I suppose I need to stand for something once in a while, even if it's just on my little peninsula of the Internet. One cannot forever stand by and spectate, even if it just means starting by shouting abuse at the players.
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Saturday, December 3, 2011

The End Of The Beginning

 I am in a quandry, friends.

Not Fanatically Anything has been with me for about a year and a half. In that time together we have tackled such far reaching topics as Physics, The 2010 Football World Cup, and music. And Pokemon. Lots of Pokemon. It is therefore with regret that I am considering moving on. This is what writing this post is to help me decide.

Note that when I say move on, I merely mean to a new blog. When I first started it, I was trying to think of something to focus on, and I found that I couldn't really think of anything I was really into. I mean music, sure, but there is already a glut of them and I really don't think I could say anything that hasn't already been said. Then I remembered my uncle's old band. I had only heard a cassette recording of them, but the name stuck with me. NFA, Not Fanatically Anything. I thought it sounded kinda cool, and, well, they weren't using it any more. It fit perfectly. AI'll do a blog in which I don't really focus on anything specific, where I can just jot down thoughts when they come me or whatever. The name was perfect, and has been something I could (ironically?) really get behind.

I still feel like that for the most part. The problem now is that I don't feel I can maintain a stance of non fanaticism going forward. There are events and circumstances happening in the world that demand of me, and make me demand of myself that I take a stance. The world is either falling apart, or morphing into something not all that desirable and it's impossible not to take a stance. Also I want to start some hobbies that take me away fromthe internet. I have recently excavated my interest in astronomy and am looking to get into that in a bigger way than occasionally peering through my £10 refractive in my room, and from reading a few magazines, it looks like 2012 is a great year to be getting into it.

So post about them here, James. But I can't. Not without changing the name, but, and there's the rub, the name has been with me throughout, and as such I feel a certain fondness for it. No, I cannot simply erase the entity for new.

So the final thought that I inevitably have arrived at is simply that I should start anew elsewhere. Create a new blog or blogs where I can focus on specifics. Should I let this thing weary away into the past? No, I imagine not. I should imagine I will come back from time to time with stories, or new RPG recordings. This was the first blog that I stuck for over a year, and I'm not about to totally abandon it now.

To be honest it wouldn't surprise me that by years end I've forgotten the damn new blog idea.

Have a good winter!

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